since my last blog post & to be honest I hadn't realised! Is it me or does time seem to be flying by? Work is extremely busy, added to the fact people are taking holidays & we are all covering each other's client's. I have little or no energy when I get home. I have been creating more of my minibook of books, but that is not ready to share yet. I have a tag outstanding (which is very late) but it just isn't coming together as well as I planned it in my head.
I am also making a lot of cards here & there as the girls at work requested I put some in the office. Below is a photo of a small selection. So far I have 20, completed ones & 4 in varying stages of completion. It is quite hard making for people who will buy to give to friends & relatives. Their tastes are not necessarily mine & many of my beloved distress backgrounds are not suitable. I have also duplicated some of the cards you might have seen on this blog in the last year as they proved popular. I have changed the images & colours slightly as I don't like to make any two the same.
You might have spotted the card in the bottom left corner. This has proved to be the most loved from the last year. I have recreated it several times & to make it slightly different I have added different strips of paper. I also decorate the inside of each of my cards, so that does take a litle extra time. Most of the time i use a piece of the paper carried over to the inside with a decorative edge. Other times I stamp images or corner bits.Also it is time to show two more pages of my desk calendar. I love to see it all day while working, it adds a bit of glamour to an otherwise boring desk. Let's face it there is nothing exciting about Insurance Policy booklets!! Although I do have a bendy padded flower, that smiles all day!
That is all for now. I must do some blog hopping soon, I try to do a bit each evening but my internet is slow & Im waiting on delivery of a new router. Take care , have a great BH weekend next week if you live here in the UK with me, otherwise, just have a great time.